I'm against this, but just because I'm an old school RPG player...I was used to making maps with paper and pencil before they invented the accursed auto map...(grrr)
Anyways, I'm really against this because I'm against all the new quest-related things in games, in general. Example. In some games, you get to see NPCs with big huge markers over their heads(not unlike the exclamation marks in GW, but those aren't obscene). Then, you get a little dialogue with the person and you can then check a quest menu to see the quest. Not only does the game somehow add in extra background knowledge your character could not possibly know, but it tells you the exact location, what you have to do, and what you'll need to do it. Then, you open up your handy dandy world map and *PING* big huge red dot you can click on where you need to go to do the quest. In general, I think it destroys the effect of an RPG by giving the player too much info about quests. If you want to know how many you've done, just get out a piece of paper and add a tally to it every time you complete a quest(arduous, I know). And if you want to know how many you have left to do, then I'd say do it the old fashioned way and visit every place town on the map looking for green exclamation marks over peoples heads. And, if you still lust the thrill of a quest you can always get rid of each square millimeter of fuzzy on your world map.
That's just how I see it. I grew up on Final Fantasy. Blame them.